Monday, September 2, 2013


People use that word *literally* all the time. Huh? Wait, no they don't. I always laugh a little when its used so incorrectly because its ridiculous. Like Chris Traeger on Parks and Rec, who's body is a finely tuned microchip and a grain of sand could LITERALLY shut it down... um, really? Haha. Well this summer has been such a time of letting go of what I thought is best for my life, and letting the Lord be in control. Like literally. His word to trust Him and go in faith has become more than a nice idea and literally a reality. "Sell all you have and follow me" Do you mean theoretically? allegorically? literally? I left California in June with all that fit in my car, which was essentially my only asset, and now I'm selling it. Crazy. Before we moved from the Kensington house, we had 2 major yard sales and then a come-and-get it curb alert on Craigslist to get rid of some of the miscellaneous junk still left. In Richmond, I helped with another epic mini-estate sized yardsale to downsize things at my parent's house. Goodbye attic treasures, goodbye childhood leftovers. Literally selling all that I have..

I'm leaving for Peru one week from today. Its not a glamorous trip, not a delusional escape to try to find happiness. I feel that its an extension of where i am right now- content in trusting the Lord. My car is on autotrader, I'm dropping my dog off this afternoon with his new foster caretaker, my student loans on deferment - its just not ideal. But it is an adventure that I feel 100% at peace about and that I know about 0% of what to expect. so I am literally at the mercy of God to lead and guide me, and am so thankful that He is trustworthy. Literally.

Let me close with this word of wisdom from someone who is literally the best character on televsion:

p.s. Anybody need a car?

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